Join the PowerCIRCLE Team this year
& start Earning income 23+ ways everyday!!!

*Start your FRANCHISE Today -- SOLAR Biz | Luxury RENTALS | Business FUNDING | REALTY Biz | MERCH Biz |
TECH Coding + Website & APP Building Biz | MARKETING Biz | DISTRO Biz | Metaverse Construction & Realty Co.

Join the PowerCIRCLE Team this year
& start Earning income 23+ ways everyday!

*Extra Benefits to Artists, Business owners & Fans/supporters:
1- Artists: PR to Billions & Promo to up to 30M+ Fans
(Tv, Radio, Mags, Distro, eBlasts, Billboards, Social Media, Street Teams)
2- Business: Online promo to 60M+ & PR to Billions of new clients +
Access to our AVERSE CITY & other Metaverse & Web2 Marketplaces!
3- Fans & Home Owners: get Solar NRG Pay!, VIP Invites, +
TV Packages, Car, Realty, & Shopping discounts!
Power Circle Monthly Memberships, Products & Services
Culture Art Magazine $5.00
Streaming TV Channels - $2K $2,000.00
Streaming TV Channels - $1K $1,000.00
Streaming TV Channel $500 $500.00
Business & Artist Promo Packs $400 $400.00
Power Circle Membership $100 $100.00
Daily Works / TeamABC:
1- Post on all your social media platforms + Stories
2- Post on 7+ groups / pages
3- Call 7+ people in your network
4- Record, submit & post your daily content videos on PowerTV
5- Daily & Weekly Power Meetings on all platforms!!!